new York shouLd be a beacon of democracy— but our eLections are poorLy run and often voter-unfriendLy.

  • Unlike dozens of other states, our constitution prevents same-day registration, no-excuse absentee voting, and holding all elections at the same time—policies that all make it harder to participate, keeping turnout dismally low. We must organize against extremist GOP fear-mongering and finally amend the Constitution to allow these fundamental pro-voter policies.

  • Unique in the nation, New York requires partisan-balanced Boards of Elections, so there is no clearly accountable administrator—made worse by a patronage-addled system for appointing them. It’s time to pass laws to professionalize these systems, and hold them accountable for failure.

  • As we roll out better voting policies—like early voting, ballot cure, ranked choice voting, and access to elections for immigrant New Yorkers—we must ensure they are efficiently, accessibly implemented. Officials must be fully resourced and trained, so that voters can be fully educated and serviced.

Democracy is about more than just weLL-run, incLusive voting. It’s about aLL peopLe having a chance to make their voices heard—and to ensure the most powerfuL voices don’t crowd out the rest.

  • Strengthening worker power is the key to ensuring fair labor conditions and compensation, including for gig workers who lack conventional protections 

  • Independent local news outlets are the foundation of a healthy democracy, but far too much of the state lacks them. Creative solutions to funding and fostering news is crucial to combat misinformation and hold leaders accountable.

  • Data security is critical to protecting individuals’ rights. We must do more to prevent app developers and data brokers from violating New Yorkers’ privacy.

new York shouLd set the pace of American democracy; with dedicated Leadership, we can. 

All political progress relies on the ability of New Yorkers to freely, fairly, effectively choose their leaders—within a civil society of facts, trust, and privacy.